Friday, October 22, 2010

virei nuvem.

Vivemos tão mal porque chegamos sempre inacabados ao presente, incapazes e dispersos em tudo. Não consigo recordar nenhum momento da minha vida sem tais censuras e outras maiores. Acho que só nos dez dias após o nascimento de Ruth* vivi sem perda; achando a realidade, até o mais ínfimo, tão indescritível, como ela provavelmente sempre é.

* fila de Rilke

Rainer Maria Rilke, Cartas Sobre Cézanne

Lembrei do seguinte trecho de Waking Life:

(...) And that's what film has. It's just that moment, which is holy. You know, like this moment, it's holy. But we walk around like it's not holy. We walk around like there's some holy moments and there are all the other moments that are not holy, right, but this moment is holy, right? And if film can let us see that, like frame it so that we see, like, "Ah, this moment. Holy." And it's like "Holy, holy, holy" moment by moment. But, like, who can live that way? Who can go, like, "Wow, holy"? Because if I were to look at you and just really let you be holy, I don't know, I would, like, stop talking.

Well, you'd be in the moment, I mean ....


The moment is holy.

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