Tuesday, August 28, 2007

uma que eu poderia ter escrito

The Night I Was Going To Die
the night I was going to die
I was sweating on the bed
and I could hear the crickets
and there was a cat fight outside
and I could feel my soul dropping down through the
and just before it hit the floor I jumped up
I was almost too weak to walk
but I walked around and turned on all the lights
and then I went back to bed
and dropped it down again and
I was up
turning on all the lights
I had a 7-year-old daughter
and I felt sure she wouldn't want me dead
otherwise it wouldn't have
but all that night
nobody phoned
nobody came by with a beer
my girlfriend didn't phone
all I could hear were the crickets and it was
and I kept working at it
getting up and down
until the first of the sun came through the window
through the bushes
and then I got on the bed
and the soul stayed
inside at last and
I slept.
now people come by
beating on the doors and windows
the phone rings
the phone rings again and again
I get great letters in the mail
hate letters and love letters.
everything is the same again.


Thursday, August 23, 2007


Eu fiz questão de esquecer
Lágrimas caladas esquecer
Derramei teu nome pelo chão
E nada mais crescia nesse chão

Vai voltar por não ter aonde ir
Vai voltar, voltar
E me acordar.

Ta aí uma banda daqui que não soa (graças ao bom gód) como bandagaúcha. Sim, eu tenho uma implicância com esse ar de bandagaúcha mesmo. Tudo me lembra TNT/CachorroGrande e eu fico enjoada.
Ah, a banda citada ali é a Pública. Aquela que eu perdi o show (que novidade) semana passada e me arrependo fortemente. Não foi por um bom motivo, fato.
Só pra não causar polêmica, vale lembrar de outra que não me soa como bandagaúcha: Superguidis. Esses sim, uso a camiseta mesmo sendo larga-e-curta-e-transparente.